
Camping Spots around Karratha

In the City of Karratha, there are several natural based camping locations for you to enjoy. Cleaverville, 40 Mile Beach and Miaree Pool, are natural camping areas and, apart from the natural boat ramps and the sullage disposal points, there are no facilities available. It is important to take plenty of drinking water with you as there is none available on site and to remove all rubbish when you leave.

Fees apply during peak season (1 May to 30 September) and need to be paid in advance and the maximum length of stay during peak season is 28 days.

No fees apply during the off season (1 October to 30 April) and no booking is required during this time. However, the maximum length of stay is 3 nights per 28 days.

There are multiple grey waste dump and disposal areas throughout Karratha, the Pilbara and surrounds. You can view our location map here: Grey Waste Disposal Dump Points – July 2021

We are hoping to open bookings for the 2025 season in March.

Where to find Camping Spots

  • Cleaverville


    Located 26km northwest of Karratha on the way to Roebourne, Cleaverville is a popular spot for overnight or day trips with a number of secluded locations ideal for camping. Many locals and visitors are attracted to the various beach fishing locations including the mouth of Cleaverville Creek. A public boat ramp is accessible at the western end of Cleaverville Beach for small marine craft. A variety of marine wildlife including turtles, are also often sighted in and around Cleaverville.


    Area 1 Sites 1-9
    Area 2 Sites 10-46
    Area 3 Sites 47-56
    Area 4 Sites 57-71
    Area 5 Sites 72-133
    Area 6 Sites 134-137
    Area 7 Sites 138-142


    • Cleaverville Rd, Cleaverville WA 6714
  • 40 Mile Beach

    40 Mile Beach

    Located 56km south of Karratha, 40 Mile Beach Camp is an ideal location for anyone seeking a natural coastal camping area. The bay offers not only quality fishing but also protection for those wishing to cool off in the tranquil waters.


    Area 1 Sites 1-20
    Area 2 Sites 21-36
    Area 3 Sites 37-55
    Area 4 Sites 56-124
    Area 5 Sites 125-134


    • Forty Mile Beach Rd, Gnoorea WA 6714
  • Mairee Pool

    Miaree Pool

    Miaree Pool is only a 20 minute drive away from Karratha in Western Australia, approximately 30 kilometres on the North West Coastal Highway. A lovely spot for swimming, Miaree Pool offers a picnic area, car parking and plenty of shady spots for relaxing on the river bank.

    To get there, take the turn off located about 200 metres north of the Maitland River bridge. You will find the picturesque clear water pool just a few hundred metres east of the bridge.

    • Maitland WA 6714
  • Overflow camping

    Overflow camping is currently CLOSED.
    If you’re having trouble finding accommodation, our friendly staff at the Karratha Tourism & Visitor Centre can help you find a place to stay.
    • Karratha Golf Course

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