Hamersley Gorge

Explore Karijini National Park

Karijini National Park is located in the Pilbara region, a five hour drive away from Karratha. Here you’ll discover an outback playground of natural wonders filled with rugged ranges, deep gorges, stunning waterfalls and clear plunge pools.

The park offers different types of accommodation and can be visited all year round, but is most interesting in autumn or early winter.

For more information on Karijini National Park, visit the Department of Parks and Wildlife website.


Covering an area of approximately 628,000 hectares, Karijini is the second largest national park in WA and was formed over two billion years ago. The atmosphere contained much less oxygen and the only forms of life were simple iron and silica-rich bacteria and algae. Over many millions of years, these iron-rich deposits gradually turned into the tough, well-bedded rock you find in the park today.

Formerly known as Hamersley National Park, its modern name originates from the traditional Aboriginal land owners. The Banyjima, Kurrama and Innawonga Aboriginal people have lived in Karijini National Park for over 20,000 years. The diversity of vegetation and animal species found in the park today are a result of their ancient land management practices.

European explorer F.T. Gregory explored the area in 1861 and named the Hamersley Range, a major feature of Karijini National Park, after his close friend Edward Hamersley.

Karijini National Park

Wildlife and Flora

A diverse array of Western Australian plant and animal species thrive in Karijini National Park. While exploring the area you may encounter red kangaroos and euros, rock-wallabies, echidnas, geckos, goannas, bats and a wide variety of birds. Wildflowers vary with the seasons, but you may see many plants bloom profusely after rainy periods.

When hiking through the spectacular gorges and mountainous trails of the park, please be mindful of snakes.


Things to do

Accomodation and Facilities

Karijini National Park accommodation includes various camping facilities at Savannah and Dales Campgrounds, or safari tents at Karijini Eco Retreat.

Toilets, showers and water are available near the Karijini Visitor Centre. Information shelters, picnic tables and gas barbecues are also provided in the campgrounds and day use areas (visitor and camping fees apply).

Karijini Eco Tents

Getting to Karijini National Park

If you are travelling from Karratha you can travel through Millstream-Chichester National Park onto the Rio Tinto Rail Access Road (Dampier to Tom Price) to the Karijini National Park and Tom Price.

Please note however, to travel along this road you require an access permit, which can be easily obtained from any of the places listed below or online.

  • Pannawonica Library
  • Karratha
  • Roebourne
  • Tom Price Visitor Centres

Apart from the first 90km, this road is unsealed / gravel. If you are driving a hire vehicle it is recommended you check with your hire company as to whether or not this is allowed.

Alternatively, you can take the North West Coastal Highway, then turn onto the Great Northern Highway (approximately 30km south of Port Hedland).

Dirt Road